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[COOL SHIT] Vacation Houses

Here's how my relationship with real estate has worked out so far: for awhile, alllll I could think about was: "OMGZ, HOW AMAZING WOULD IT BE TO JUST OWN OUR HOME ONE DAY????" And then we did....and it *does* rock. But now what? Am I supposed to just give up and die? NOOOOO. Now my ass is just spending all day/night dreaming about a vacation house!

I'm adaptable!

Our vacation house is GORGEOUS...and adorable...and perfect. It's in the Catskills....or maybe Connecticut...or fuck it, even Pennsylvania. But its in some fab cute, chic little town, and not too far away from civilization (i.e. maybe a big movie theater...or, gasp, Tarjay even!). There's a fly ass backyard...with an ourdoor fire pit...and room for Ollie to run around. And it's no more than 2.5 hours away from our apartment. And we didn't have to do too much work on the place, but we spent many weekends shopping at flea markets, and picking out paint colors and now it looks GORGEOUS. In fact, the NYT home section is coming next weekend to do a photo shoot! Which means that its probably going to be booked up for the rest of the year with renters...on the weekends we don't want to go up, of course.

Welcome to my fantasy, btchz.

And as long as we're fantasizing, we may as well take another look at the Novogratzes vacation home in Great Barrington, MA cause it is amazeballs. It's def a bit bigger than anything I would like, but aside from that, its pretty fucking perfect. Looky:

All images Oprah at Home Magazine; I found em on Mood Board.

What about you? Do you have a vacation house? If not, wat's *your* vacation house fantasy? Spill it.

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