Entries in events (17)


Come To Open Air Modern TONIGHT!

I'm totes breaking my never go to Williamsburg ever, ever, ever rule TONIGHT! Cause I'm so excited to join my bud Nicole Cohen from Sketch42 Blog and Emilie Baltz of Core 77 at Open Air Modern for a chat on design blogging.

Our panel is called How to Design Content: Design Bloggers and their craft, and we're going to talk about all sorts of fun stuff.

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[LAVISH CONFERENCE] Spill It: All Our Best Blogging Tricks

This morn Nicole from Sketch42 Blog and I presented our panel at the Lavish Conference in Atlanta. Basically we just opened up our brains, and dumped them right out on everyone's faces Four Loko style.

We tried to pack as many concrete tips-n-tricks about blogging as we could into our hour long sesh, cause sharing is caring and, duh, we care A LOT.

Since I get that not everyone could be there, I thought I would let loose with all our best tips for all y'all right HURR. Also, even if you *were* there, you were probs mesmerized by our effervescent beauty and charm, and so maybe you weren't taking good notes?

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[I'M OBSESSED] The New Traditionalists-n-Design TV

BREAKING: looks like its time to dump all my references to Vintage Modern, cause I'm now officially a card carrying NEW TRADITIONALIST. Like, I'm ready to print that on a mug or a mousepad or some shit.

Last night I was lucky enough to get my ass invited to the Design TV party, thrown by a couple of my Twitter BFF's @JonathanLegate and @ABCDDesigns. If you don't follow them on Twitter, you're kind of crazy, and if you don't join in on their always lively #designTV chat every Monday from 11:30-1:30 EST you are REALLY stoopid.

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So V. Lavish

I decided to dress up as Alexis Carrington Colby from Dynasty this morn, so now I'm sitting here on my couch in my silver, ruffled lamé gown, poofy hair, and tear drop 5 carat diamond earrings, you know, just blahgging.


Ok, so that's not really true. I mean, I'm pretty sure I don't *have* to dress up as Alexis Carrington Colby if I don't want to...and when I say "we" I actually mean "I." BUT, the important thing to note is that my ass is gonna be speaking at Lavish in Atlanta this Dec!

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BRIMFIELD RECAP: This Ain't Yo Momma's Flea Market

So, Brimfield. I can sum it up in one word: WHOA.

I've been to the Rose Bowl market, the Brooklyn Flea and everything in between and trust: I've never seen anything like this shit in my whole entire life. Brimfield is truly its own animal...and that animal is sorta like Jabba the Hut. It's big, it's bloated, and if you let it, it will eat you alive.

I ventured up to this tiny Massachusetts town early on Tuesday morning with my House of Brinson travel buds, @studiobrinson and @williambrinson. We arrived mid-morning and the market was already in full-swing. As we pulled up to the parking field, we caught glimpses of what was to come, and before we even parked the car, some members of our party one member of our party (i.e. ME) was licking the window glass in anticipation.

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