Entries from March 1, 2012 - March 31, 2012


WHO GIVES A SHIT: Do You Still Read *Actual* Magazines?

So, for awhile I was on this kick where I was getting all of my magazines on my iPad. Here's why I loved that: MAGAZINES ARE HEAVY AS SHIT. I live in NYC, so everything I need has to get shlepped around in my purse. But on my iPad, I always had all of my mags with me, all of the time (and they were light as a feather). 

But somehow lately I've fallen back into my buying actual physical magazines habit. First I had some time to kill before an appt the other day, so I dropped 10 large on a fancy shmancy European design magazine. Then I was sitting at Hunan Delight the other night and waiting for my Chow Fun when some chick handed me a Fast Company on the way out to see if I wanted to read it while I waited.

Well, yes...yes, I did. 



The last 10...

Finishing the last 10% of our apt is sort of like losing those last 10 pounds: IT'S COMPLETELY FRIGGIN IMPOSSIBLE. 

At least for me. And I honestly have no clue why. 


Here is a list of stuff that should have been done back when George W. Bush was president: 

* There are no pulls on any of the drawers or cabinets in our kitchen. My Twitter BFF, the awesomely talented Meredith Heron even tried to help me out with this shiz all the way from Canada. And yet there they all sit...naked. Here's my problem, every pull I love costs a million dollars each (aka $50 and up). Every pull that is less than $50 I either don't like or feel meh about.