Entries in blogs (19)


AYFKMWTS?: Why I Think The Whole Photo Exclusivity Thing Is Stoopid

You know how some blogs and magazines have this policy where they won't post any projects that have ever, ever, ever, ever been included in any other mag or blog? Right, well I think that that whole policy is completely retarded.

Here's why:

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How to Read Rue Mag Step-by-Step

1. Stop what you're doing
2. Click on over to Rue Mag issue number three.
3. Skip to page 100.
4. Yes, I know there's some other good shiz in there, ppl but who's in charge here, me or you? THATS WHAT I THOUGHT, SUCKAZ!
5. Stare at all the amazing photos of Nicole from Sketch 42 Blog's amazing apartment...and her amazing family...and, yep, even her amazing leather jeggings.
6. Realize your space sucks a dizzle.
7. Cry
8. Read the article I wrote about Nicole's amazing space.

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[REVIEW'D] The Alt Design Summit

Hey all you ppl who didn't go to the Altitude Design Summit (aka #altsummit) in Salt Lake City last week: SUCKKKKKKAAAAZZZZZZ!

Yep, it rawked that hard.

In it's second year, the Altitude Design Summit brings together the best of the best in the world of shelter/design bloggers for 2 days of kickass panels, inspiring keynotes, and down-n-dirty networking. I didn't attend last year so I didn't really know what to expect. But I was super impressed with their list of speakers, and thought the sessions sounded killer, and oh yeah, full disclosure: the company I work for, Squarespace was one of the sponsors.

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[I'M OBSESSED] The Sartorialist

Even if you don't give a rat's ass about fashion...or photography...or style, you're still a real life crazy person if you don't visit The Sartorialist several times a week. If I had to choose one site as my absolute, hands down fave, that site would definitely be it.

I LOVE IT SO HARD. Also Scott Schuman, the brains and galactically talented photographer behind the site, is like THE OG fashion blogger. The dude literally kinda invented the concept of street fashion blogging as we know it.

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[I'M OBSESSED] The New Traditionalists-n-Design TV

BREAKING: looks like its time to dump all my references to Vintage Modern, cause I'm now officially a card carrying NEW TRADITIONALIST. Like, I'm ready to print that on a mug or a mousepad or some shit.

Last night I was lucky enough to get my ass invited to the Design TV party, thrown by a couple of my Twitter BFF's @JonathanLegate and @ABCDDesigns. If you don't follow them on Twitter, you're kind of crazy, and if you don't join in on their always lively #designTV chat every Monday from 11:30-1:30 EST you are REALLY stoopid.

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