Entries in review'd (6)



Blogfest 2012 has ended, and as I do after most events I attend, I'm serving up a piping hot plate of review and recap.

For those of you who have never heard of it, Blogfest is a three day event organized by Kravet:

"the second annual New York City design event hosted by Kravet Inc. that brings together editors from top design and lifestyle magazines, great brands and A-list industry designers and celebrities."

Rather than taking you through shit day by day, I'm breaking down my observations into tasty, morsel-y bites.

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I cannot even tell you how excited I was to pick up my Domino special edition mag on Friday (hint: I WAS SO FRIGGIN EXCITED!). After trying to pick one up on my way to work ("they haven't arrived yet!" said my magazine stand guy), I ducked out at lunch to try again. 

I took a spin around the store, and...nothing. So I asked my mag pal dude if they had arrived yet. He told me to follow him, and the guy literally pulled out a copy from behind the counter and said "I saved you one...the rest already sold out."

I swear to you, my heart actually started beating faster as I held the slick, shiny papered mag in my hands. I quickly fanned through it and the thing even smelled good. YES! THIS IS HAPPENING! I happily pulled out my eleven fucking dollars (!!) and skipped out the door.

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[REVIEW'D] The Alt Design Summit

Hey all you ppl who didn't go to the Altitude Design Summit (aka #altsummit) in Salt Lake City last week: SUCKKKKKKAAAAZZZZZZ!

Yep, it rawked that hard.

In it's second year, the Altitude Design Summit brings together the best of the best in the world of shelter/design bloggers for 2 days of kickass panels, inspiring keynotes, and down-n-dirty networking. I didn't attend last year so I didn't really know what to expect. But I was super impressed with their list of speakers, and thought the sessions sounded killer, and oh yeah, full disclosure: the company I work for, Squarespace was one of the sponsors.

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[REVIEW'D] The Lavish Conference

It snowed in Atlanta! I was Sharpig'd! And Flashdance'd! I met and fell madly in love with Brian from Decor Demon AND Jenny from MFAMB! AND I had 17,000 free Diet Coke refills with my blogging bud Nicole from Sketch42 Blog (it's free refills EVERYWHERE in the South, btchz!). We were at the Lavish Conference!

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[REVIEW'D] Designer Visions @The Setai

BREAKING: Real estate in NYC is ridiculously fucking expensive.

So, there's now this "thing" where new luxury apt bldgs team up with famous Interior Designers to zhush up model apartments and help potential buyers realize what is possible in their spaces. The WSJ wrote about this phenom last week (Designers Enlisted in Sales Wars). Basically this goes down becuz:

A. Buyers have no vision...EVER.

B. There's a prestige factor.

C. More people are likely going to come traipsing through the building and hopefully/maybe buy more apts.

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