Entries in My apt (8)


The last 10...

Finishing the last 10% of our apt is sort of like losing those last 10 pounds: IT'S COMPLETELY FRIGGIN IMPOSSIBLE. 

At least for me. And I honestly have no clue why. 


Here is a list of stuff that should have been done back when George W. Bush was president: 

* There are no pulls on any of the drawers or cabinets in our kitchen. My Twitter BFF, the awesomely talented Meredith Heron even tried to help me out with this shiz all the way from Canada. And yet there they all sit...naked. Here's my problem, every pull I love costs a million dollars each (aka $50 and up). Every pull that is less than $50 I either don't like or feel meh about. 

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I've Been House of Brinson'd

And I loved every minute of it.

I mean, I love our apt...true story. But still, Will Brinson shot some photos of our joint and seriously made it look AH-MAZING. Like so good, it kind of looks better in the pics than it does in real life. That dude can take a mean picture, yo! And Susan styled the crap out of everything (in a GOOD way...like a really good way). And we ate bagels, and lobster rolls and had way more fun than I thought we would on all-day photo shoot.

My one regret: we forgot to get some Oliver photos.

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How To Clean White Painted Floors

Ok, so I get that not a lot of you guys actually have white painted floors, but I do! And before my ass had them, I googled and googled and googled until my fingers fell off and there was literally NO information on how the hell to clean these mofos.

As I've already said, my white floors complete me--they are my single fave design element in our apt.

Are they harder to clean? In a strange way I think they are almost easier to clean because you can see everything so well. BUT, I will say that the x-factor with us is that we have a dog. And our dog sheds his ass all over the place all year long, so even if we didn't have white floors, we'd still have a way bigger floor maintenance ish than most people.

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[A Girl Can Dream] Linen Closets & Fitted Sheets

Do you know how to fold a fitted sheet? Cause I have no fucking clue.

And I've watched Martha Stewart demonstrate this shit on her show....and have even googled. But every time I try it, even after following all of the directions, shit doesn't come out looking neat. And so then I just give up and I end up with an ugly, amorphous ball of semi-folded but not really folded sheetage. And it bugs me.

Also sidenote: I can fold the HELL out of just about everything else. I'm talking, I've received unsolicited compliments from peeps at J. Crew-n-shit after looking at v-neck sweaters that I've folded back into place.

A good way to tell if you're rich in NYC is whether or not you have a linen closet. Some people barely have clothing closets, so linen closets are few and far between.

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Shit I Bought For Our Apartment

Ok, so I feel like I buy a lot of shit for our apartment. But, I buy a lil bit here, and a lil bit there, and I've never even actually added all this shit up, so I don't even know.

I'm gonna retroactivate this stuff to May 15 and I'm gonna track this b.s. for a year. Every single thing I buy for our apt/home will be listed. I'm thinking pretty much everything but food (appliances, decor, supplies, etc). I'm gonna throw in money we spend on services too (like paying the super to come and unclog our tub).

Should be verrrrrry inneresting.

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