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[A Girl Can Dream] Linen Closets & Fitted Sheets

Do you know how to fold a fitted sheet? Cause I have no fucking clue.

And I've watched Martha Stewart demonstrate this shit on her show....and have even googled. But every time I try it, even after following all of the directions, shit doesn't come out looking neat. And so then I just give up and I end up with an ugly, amorphous ball of semi-folded but not really folded sheetage. And it bugs me.

Also sidenote: I can fold the HELL out of just about everything else. I'm talking, I've received unsolicited compliments from peeps at J. Crew-n-shit after looking at v-neck sweaters that I've folded back into place.

A good way to tell if you're rich in NYC is whether or not you have a linen closet. Some people barely have clothing closets, so linen closets are few and far between. We decided to turn the walk-in closet in our bedroom into a utility/linen closet, and added a wall of PAX wardrobes on the side of our bedroom for clothes. We had Ikea Billy bookcases drilled/attached to the walls in the "walk-in" closet and now use it for all sorts of crap: poorly folded fitted sheets, towels, luggage, laundry storage, and ok I also do have a wall of purses in there. But true confessions: I still dream about the real thing.

What about you mofos? Does everyone have a linen closet but me? Spill it...

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