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Design Star Roundup

Ok, so if you think my ass is the only one covering this Design Star crap parade, you are so very wrong. Though my recaps ARE a good place to start, there's way more #DesignStar shit you should not be missing.

+ Room Fu absolutely KILLS IT in her interview with recent cast-off and taxidermy loving muralist Nina Ferrer. They spoke on the phone, but if that interview went down face-to-face I'm pretty sure Neeners would have gotten punched. Her latest recap is also here.

+ Design Star contestant Emily breaks shit down all behind-the-scenes style on her blog The Brass Petal. Even though her firemen's coffee table sucked a dizzle, she's still my current fave...espesh cause she says things like this: "Thank god we have new teams.  I was about to throw myself into that fire."

+ Alex has a blog too! And Alex saved the friggin day last week, yo! Also, his mural is waaay more meaningful than you think it is (even though I still hate the shit out of murals).

+ Dan Faires has a blog...AND a furniture line.

+ Neeners has a blog too...and if you haven't suffered any recent brain injuries and/or you are not currently high, I would recommend you check it out. You'll lolz your face off.

+ My Favorite and My Best's Design Star recaps are sex on a stick.

+ Dooce recaps every ep on HGTV. True confessions: I always sort of wish she'd really let loose, but I'm guessing if she tried, HGTV would be all "AWWW NAAAW."

+ Tweet, Tweet. Some of these Design Star mofos are on Twitter:
@danfaires = Dan
@itsjustsanchez = Alex
@ninaferrer1 = Neeners
@thebrasspetal = Emily

+ Some other #DesignStar chattin tweeps you should be following:




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