Entries in events (17)


ICFF: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

I journeyed to the ICFF a rainy New York Tuesday morning. I don't know if you've ever heard about something cool and felt cheated because aforementioned cool thing was not happening in your city, but that is how I've always felt when I trolled my regular interior design blogs and read about their visits to this show, because I lived in Los Angeles before this year, and I felt I was being punished and left out.

Perhaps I built the whole thing up too much in my head, and indeed, it was better than a sharp stick in the eye, but it wasn't the buzzing hive of creativity that I anticipated.

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BKLYN DESIGNS: An Ethnography

My attendance at BKLYN DESIGNS on Saturday with Erica was more along the lines of ethnographic study than retail therapy.

I was filled with lust for a surprisingly lot of the environmentally pure, reclaimed, locally-grown, and inventive furniture/stuff. 

True, it was all very aspirational since the chances of my actually having the disposable income to buy this faboo brass-inlaid, secret drawer side table for $2600 from design duo colleen & eric, are about as good as my flying off to a northstar in a rocket ship. But then again, a girl can dream...

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