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1. Holy shit, I'm bored of blogging. If pinterest had a fucking "blog" button on each pin I pinned, perhaps this place wouldn't look all ghost town-y and shit. 

2. The Nate Berkus show got cancelled. They're saying stuff like "it's run ended" and that Harpo is "choosing not to renew" but let's get real ppl: it sucked. The fact that that thing lasted two years is more surprising to me than the Michael Jackson/Lisa Marie Presley marriage was. Also: #NATEGATE, never forget.

3. Speaking of Pinterest, I have a few questions: HOW ON THIS MOTHERFUCKING EARTH is there no easy way for me to just simply hook up my blog with my account, and then clickity click on a little button somewhere under my name or something where I can see alllllll the pins that were pinned from my site? (yes, I know the sneaky way to do it, but sheesh!). Why does citing someone's name with the @ not work 52% of the time!? And why can't I @ someone that I'm not following!? And why is shit broken A LOT? I love you Pinterest, but WTH?

4. My sister sent me 2 voicemail messages that she had saved from my mom. My mom died 4 years ago, and so I was unsure if I could even handle playing them. After staring at these mp3 files all weekend, I finally decided to listen to them. Though I cried hysterically for 2 minutes immediately after, it was still so so great to hear her voice--by the end of this whole exercise I was even smiling (I ended up playing them 3 or 4 times). I still can't decide if I'm creepy or not. 

5. If you are not watching Revenge or American Horror Story, what in the dick is wrong with you?

6. I'm getting kind of obsessed with Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis DVD's. I've never seen a stomach as flat as hers on another human being. But now I'm kind of afraid to do the mat work stuff cause we've seen 2 mice in the past week. And I've convinced myself that they're going to probably, almost definitely walk right up to me while I'm doing some crazy leg lift on all fours.

7. Why are there so many different models of soda streams? I have no friggin clue which one to get. And don't tell me to research that shit, cause all that you find is ppl doing reviews of whichever model they have and talking about how they love it.  

8. Greg and I are going to Israel in Feb! I'm super excited. He's been a few times already, but this will be my first time visiting the homeland. Hope we don't get shot. 

9. Oliver, our dog pictured above, ate 36 chocolate Hanukkah gelt coins this morning. I freaked the fuck out, natch, and then called Animal Poison Control and it turned out that everything was fine. The dude didn't even throw up after all that gorging. 

That's mostly it. 

Reader Comments (1)

Erica, this post cracked me up and made me teary. You bring out the bipolar in me. I know what it feels like to have something like the voicemail messages. I have a video that some friends and I made in our 20s and my younger brother is in it. He died in a car accident in 1994. The first time I watched it, I was torn between REALLY wanting to see it and wanting to avoid it. I've seen it several times now and I'm really glad that I have it.


P.S. Are you going to Alt? If so, I hope I get to meet you! Maybe we can sit somewhere together and pin things. :)

December 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMelanie

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