[Gift Guide] Things That Make You Seem Richer Than You Actually Are

Gift-giving during the holidays are all about one thing - feeling smug. Show people how much better you are than they are by giving gifts that make it clear which one of you is richer.
palace stacking tableware: These six dinner plates with serving dish are ideal for your sister whose apartment is too small to host a dinner party. $182.
cat airplane playhouse: nothing says "uneccessary extravagance" like an f-ing airplane for a cat. Good for people who are having trouble paying their rent.
faux capiz lamp: real capiz lamps are quite pricey, but this one'll do in a pinch. Perfect for your cousin who dreams of owning a beach house one day.
duckfoot mirror: this slightly creepy mirror will be appreciated by anyone who can only afford to buy makeup at CVS.
washing machine hamper: your friend who still has to schlep their stuff to the laundromat will appreciate finally having a washing machine of their own.
terrarium: a lovely gift for anyone who has ever seemed envious of your spacious backyard. $129.

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