[Interview'd] David Bromstad of Color Splash

I'm going to be honest: I had a list of legitimate questions that I was going to ask HGTV's David Bromstad when I interviewed him.
I even sent them to him ahead of time, so he would be prepared.
But I got on the phone with this guy and all of that went out the window. We ended up talking about our love of vodka and our love/hate relationship with the iPhone much more than paint swatches.
I wouldn't have had it any other way.
Okay, okay. I'll attempt to muster up some kind of professionalism around here. You may be thinking, "Professionalism? On a blog? Amanda, you're out of your damn mind!" But believe it, people. I am a JOURNALIST. Recognize.
David Bromstad is the super cute, tribal tattooed season one winner of Design Star. After winning Design Star, he went on to get his own show on HGTV: Color Splash, where he shows up at someone's suburban home and introduces them to something other than beige or mauve. Everyone is grateful. Who knew that your rec room could have so much pizazz! DAVID, that's who.
So I wanted to talk to you about your background.
Oh, my background? I like long walks on the beach and lots of liquor.
What's your favorite liquor?
Grey Goose, but really, I'll drink anything with an alcohol content.
Are you a vodka snob?
I am a vodka snob. I've grown into a vodka whore. I probably shouldn't be saying any of this.
Oh please, this is the shit everyone wants to hear. So you started your career designing children's rooms?
I did.
How does someone start designing children's rooms?
Out of desperation. I was working at Disney Universal—I was working as a contractor, doing props and windows and things, working with their visual team. But something happened where the majority of the contractors were laid off. I had a mortgage and I needed to get work, like, immediately, or I was going to have to fire for bankruptcy. It was that bad. So, I was at the gym, and this cute guy I had known previously came up to me and he said he wanted to see my work.
So I went to his office the next day and showed him my portfolio and of course, it was all Disney-related, so it was all bright and colorful, so he said that he wanted me to do kids rooms for him in his model homes. And I got more and more into it, and I just said to myself, "I don't know what this is, but this is going to be big." And I ended up going on to Design Star after that.
And how was your experience on Design Star?
Ah-ma-zing! It was like summer camp for designers. No, it was like summer boot camp for designers. It was so intense. They took everything away from you—TV, phones, internet, even books and magazines.
They really do that shit on reality TV?
Yes! Can you imagine not having your phone for even, like 5 minutes? They don't let you have anything!
Unless they have a cell phone sponsor.
[Laughs] Right, exactly. But taking all of that stuff away from you makes you really focus on what you're there to do. And really, it was one of the best things I've ever done. I loved it so much.
So you winning Design Star led to your show, Color Splash.
Right, well, you don't get promised a show when you win Design Star, you get a chance at a show. But I got the show and the rest is history. We're on our fourth season, I think we just shot our 108th episode.
What did you do for your 100th episode?
Had a cocktail.
Just one?
No, actually I was sick for our 100th episode. It was great, and everything, but you just get it done and now I'm looking forward to the 200th episode.
You bring a lot of bicep and tattoo action to HGTV. How many times a week do you work out?
I work out 4-6 times a week, but that wasn't really your question, was it?
Fine, you've got me. Where do you get all of your tank tops?
Target, darling. They're not fabulous. They're Hanes. But really, I started working out when I was in college. My first year, I was super responsible. I went to church and worked out every day and didn't even drink that much.
So when did the Grey Goose come in?
Whenever I could afford it, which was probably in the past few years. You know how it is in college, you drink anything that has alcohol content. You know, you're drinking Popov because it's like $10.
I have a lot of terrible memories with Popov. Or, non-memories with Popov.
Seriously! But now if I can afford it, I want to drink the good stuff.
So we always ask some of the same questions with these interviews, and one is what is your favorite design resource?
I love Home Goods. They have a lot of designer pieces in there for like, pennies! And you never know what you're going to find in there, there's always something new, which is great.
What was the last thing you bought for your home?
You're never going to believe this, but I bought a disco ball antelope head.
What does that even mean?
[Laughs] I know, I know—it's like an antelope head with the disco ball mirrors all over it.
So there you have it. David Bromstad: Hilarious, adorable, loves vodka and disco antelope heads.
You should probably watch his show, if you don't already.
Color Splash airs Saturdays at 9pm ET on HGTV.

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