Entries in linked (12)


[LINK'D] Blu Dot Wants Your Ridiculous Art Projects, Drug-Free Urine Samples

Modern furniture maker Blu Dot is hosting an online swap meet that allows you to trade your ridiculous art projects for a genuinely beautiful piece of their furniture.

How does it work?  You pick out any Blu Dot item you want, and then upload an interesting offer to the site (it can be a collection, art project, or something completely and totally ridiculous).  Users will vote on whether your upload is "swap-worthy" and at the end of the voting period, good golly, Bert, you might win an awesome piece of furniture in exchange from your bottle cap collection!   

I'm thinking this is a pretty brilliant idea, but the best part of all of this is to see WTF people are trying to swap in exchange for legit nice furniture.  



[LINKED] Supporter Wall

Remember that dude a couple of years ago who ended up raising like a million dollars by selling every single pixel on his web page for like a buck each? Right, well I quickly filed that one under: "ideas that I should have had, but didn't cause I suck." Anyway, a new company called Supporter Wall is copying that idea by allowing others to start their own supporter walls on their own websites.



[LINK'D] An Afternoon With

Michael Mundy is a lifestyle photographer who started this kickass site called 'An Afternoon With.' I just spent like 45 mins clicking around and as best I can tell, this is a record of ppl who are way the hell cooler, and way the hell more attractive than I am, living in way the hell nicer homes.

But I'm not bitter!

I can't stop staring!

"This is a project about people. It is a project about our space and the things we keep and the things we don’t throw away.



[LINKED] The Holidays Are Over & It's Time To Get Shit DONE

+ What a great idea for gathering all of your friends/contacts addresses. If you do this now, maybe you'll be prepared by the time you need to send out holiday cards NEXT YEAR (via Shelterrific).

+NY's ugliest apartments of the year (and they ain't kidding, folks) (via Curbed NY).

+ Conversation Starter: How do you feel about pimping yourself? Some killer insights in here about social media and you as a brand (Marian Schembar).

+ Make a dog bed for your pooch out of a vintage suitcase...YES. YOU. CAN (Decor Demon).

+ Time to take things to the next level with your blog...here are some great tips (My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia).

+ Loads o' great shit here too on takin your blog to the next level: Copyblogger Best of 2010 (Copyblogger).



+ Nicole from Sketch42 Blog is obsessed with the new Tommy Hilfiger commercial Feast Interruptus and I totally am too. I love the look of the commercial (which is very Wes Anderson-esque) and also there is a Basset Hound in it and wherever there is a Basset Hound, I can't be far behind (Sketch42 Blog).

+ I need to get uptown to see the Bergdorf Holiday windows STAT (ABCD Design).

+ I've never had Jalapeno Cheddar Cookies in my life, but now might be a great time to start (design*sponge).

+ Sugary sweet gift guide (i suwannee).

+ Also loved this Bunny Williams profile and interview (All The Best).