Entries in whassup (4)




+ Hardly mag aims to be the new Sassy (Jezebel).

+ Their Paris apt for your NYC or Brooklyn apt? (Jauntsetter).

+ Even if you watched the shitshow that was Design Star this Sunday, hopefully you've caught up on the magic that was the Mad Men premiere by now. Here's a great recap (NY Mag).

+ Martha Stewart is hosting a Blogger's event on August 5th in NYC...who's going? [I am!] (#marthablogger).

+ I did a guest post! And wrote about the Elle Decor A List! (Belly Button).



*Ok, this idea is just KILLER. I'm obsessed with gold shit...I can't get past it. And design*sponge has this great DIY post on how to make all sorts of chic decor by spraypainting cheap objects gold! I'm doing this immeds (design*sponge).

*Are you listening to Janelle Monáe yet? Cause...uhm...you need to be (Door Sixteen).

*Soon Martha Stewart will be manufacturing everything you eat, bake, sit your ass on and brush your teeth with (Gourmet Retailer via Shelter Pop).

*Tina Fey is selling her UWS apt...I wonder if the "funny" will rub off on whoever buys this joint (Huffington Post).

*I'm so fucking green with jealousy over these gorge light fixtures, I look like Shrek (Sketch 42 Blog).



*How do you organize your photos? Here's how I organize my photos: I stack piles of shit in our entertainment unit, in all sorts of random disorganized random boxes; OR I mosh everything together in a completely scatterbrained iPhoto library) (Adventures in Renovating a Brooklyn Limestone).

*Can somone buy this house for me. I think Jonathan Adler & Simon Doonan would want me to have it (Shelter Pop).

*Casa Sugar asked and I'm answering: I hate the shit out of these mismatched pillows in Whitney Port's apt (though I love the idea of mismatched pillows in general) (Casa Sugar).

*Totally digging the navy+aqua color combo (Coco+Kelley).



*If you are anywhere near NYC this weekend, there are a crapload of design related things your ass could be doing: Design on a Dime, BKLYN DESIGNS, The Affordable Art Fair and the opening of the Limelight marketplace. Oh yeah, and don't forget about the Hester Street Fair AND the Brooklyn Flea (Nick Olsen et al)

*I want a house in Italy one day...for realzies (The Style Files).

*The Sartorialist hit up Crosby Street, which is around the corner from my office. NOTE TO SELF: I need to brush my hair my often (The Sartorialist).

*If I still lived in LA, my ass would soooo be at Legends of La Cienega this weekend (also, listen to the xx) (Beach Bungalow 8).