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Yo, Curbed National Is Here!

If you like to jerk off to real estate listings and insider-y info like I do, then you've probably spent a good amount of time on Curbed.com. They cover all the real estate goings on in NYC, San Fran, LA and the Hamptons. But now they're bigger! AND better! Cause they just launched Curbed National! Holla!

[We'll] "focus [on] all-things design, decor, and shelter, from Malibu dream houses to Wyoming ranches to Maine cabins, and all residences in between. Expect a jaw-dropping daily featured project, wall-to-wall coverage of celebrity real estate, and a healthy dose of the ridiculous. And amidst the glories of the glorious and the hideous, we'll give you scoop on the ever-changing shelter-media universe and ponder decor in TV, movies, music and politics. We'll cover little-known and name-brand interior decorators alike, and tiny design blogs in far-flung corners of the web will be treated with the same dignity as Architectural Digest."

Uhm, yes please.

If you're getting excited about this shit: you should be. I've already uncovered a Lonny v. Rue smackdown, A Design Blog Name Generator (back off, ppl: I call L'-divine-martha.wordpress.com for my damn self!), and Simon Doonan wearing a pillow on his damn head (see above). They even reported on #nategate!

Also, they've got the humor thing goin, so I'm pretty sure they'll never refer to me as "dove" or "darling." And for that I'm eternally grateful.

True, they did miss the news that Emily Henderson's Secrets From A Stylist just got picked up for 26 eps, and that our gay BF Decor Demon is now blogging for HGTV, but CUT THEM SOME SLACK, PPL! It's day one.

Anyway. Welcome, Curbed National! I look forward to stealing being inspired by your photos and content, and making fun of everyone in the design world with you!

You can follow Curbed National on Twitter here, and Facebook it up with them here.

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