
Sedona, Here I Come

How amazingly drop dead gorge is this photo!?

10 years ago I drove cross country with a couple of friends, and out of all the places we went, there was none that stuck with me more than Sedona, AZ. It was honestly like nothing I had ever seen...I almost felt like I was on another planet.

And keep in mind, I don't really give a shit about all that nature-y stuff, but there was something about the red rocks there that just left me feeling hypnotized.

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WHO GIVES A SHIT: Do You Like Your Name?

Aren't names weird?

Your name is like this gigantic thing that sort of defines you, and leaves people with an immediate impression of you (good or bad), and you have it forever and ever. And yet you have NOTHING to do with choosing it.

And holy shit, you can't pick a more subjective topic than name choices. I may love a name that you hate and vice versa. The name Preston, for instance, makes me absolutely murder-y...for really no reason whatsoever.

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Lady Bow Ties

I kind of didn't even know that this was a thing, but it is and I'm smitten. Ladies can wear bow ties too!

They're a little longer and a little flouncier than the boy versions, but these Forage lady ties are just as fab. I think any one of these puppies would look killer with a crisp white shirt, some jeans, and some fab boots.

True, if you wear one of these you might risk getting mixed up with Helen Mirren or some shit, but eff it: that's a risk I'm willing to take.

(via Hip Hip Gin Gin)

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What do My Pinterest Boards Say About Me?

As if you weren't concerned enough about my Pinterest obsession already, now I bring you this: sometimes I think about what people will assume about me based on what they could deduce by looking at all of my Pinterest boards...and whether or not these things are true. And also whether or not I should be concerned about these things.

Cause a lot of the shit that I think a perfect stranger would assume about me is like a billion percent false. So I thought I would compile a list to make it easier for all my pinterest friends to understand the true essence of moi.

Herewith is a list of shit you might assume to be true about me if you just knew me via Pinterest. I will include a TRUE/FALSE after each item to let you know what the real deal is:

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How To Make Lame Art Look Cool

This is an idea that is so simple and so brilliant, it makes my head want to explode.

Basically you just take any ole piece of artwork, and zhush it up by adding some clever comment or phrase with some stick on letters. BOOM. All of the sudden you take your lame-o, flea market painting from "no way" to " OH, HEEEEEEYYYYYYY!"

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