[COOL OR NOT COOL] Vintage Rotary Phones

I know that landlines are going the way of the dinosaur, and that if there's a chance for them to hang around, it's not going to be connected to a rotary phone from 1960.
BUT: let me just say after about 595849485 dropped calls from my fancy, expensive, and USELESS (yet still somehow precious) iPhone, I'm ready to hang up and just get a goddamned landline that connects to a rotary phone.
It's vintage, so I will look kitschy and unique, something I strive for but almost always self-sabotage with snap judgements and intolerant declarations ("Organic food is for rich people who hate themselves," "Adults who sleep in twin beds are serial killers, etc etc).
So while I probably wouldn't be running out to add a touch of the 1960's to my place (I already have that in the form of a medicine cabinet fully-stocked with Quaaludes LOL JK), I feel like something like this guy from Anthropologie for $198 could add something to someone's decor, even as a non-functioning accessory.

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