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[COOL SHIT] Image Kind

Ok, so there are some seriously killer resources out there these days for cheap, chic art (20x200 and etsy immediately come to mind), but I recently discovered another online option that I'm kind of loving the shit out of: Image Kind.

Image Kind is from the folks at Cafe Press, and basically allows any artist to upload their work and sell it at different sizes, with different framing options. You get to choose the type of paper its printed on, can order mattes, custom frames, OR just get a print.

Now word of warning: you'll get to the front page and you will probably see a bunch of stuff you'd expect to see framed in the home goods section of Marshalls. But keep pressing on! You'll need to put in some time searching...and yes, I did actually find a lot of crap. BUT after lotttttts of clicking, I also ended up getting a shitload of fabulously chic artwork for not much money at all.

One more tip: by default, the search pages are set to show framing options immediately, so it looks like things are way more expensive than they are. Look to the right and click on the "buy a fine art print" drop down to open up the screen that *just* shows prints and sizes, if you don't want to purchase frames.

Here's what I ended up with:


Film Noir, $21.98                                                                                  Signals, $11.86

Waters 2, $14.62

Family Sail, $19.23

Airport Wait, $16.61

Wolves Print, $21.98

and finally:

Shalom Harlow Smoking, $16.49

I didn't purchase any of them framed, so I can't speak to their framing service, however, prices seem pretty friggin good.

Though my last tip is that I've pretty much given up on professional framing as its far too fucking expensive...especially for all these prints that I buy for $16 bucks. My latest goto is Ikea, believe it or not. They actually have some really fab frames there, and I just buy em up and do it my damn self. In our bedroom, we have a few things hanging (2 of which were professionally framed and 1 from Ikea) and no one can ever tell the difference.

I still like to get mattes made every once in awhile, but other than that, I save the thousands dollars we would have spent on frames for other shit.

Yeah, so Image Kind...buy shit from them!

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