[Gift Guide] Cheap Stuff (Under $25)

Unlike all of those other "cheap" gift guides, here are things you'll actually want to buy for other people. No lame-ass "fun" paperclips, tape dispensers shaped like fugly turtles or decorative wine bottle stoppers here.
teaspoons: glazed bone china dessert spoons are a thoughtful gift for the person who has everything or a wildly impractical one for the person who uses plastic silverware because they can't afford anything nicer. $24.
kuro cube: this Danish fridge refresher is made from coal, lasts for years and replaces that janky box of baking soda. $12.50.
ceramic diffuser: A change for the better from those sticks scent diffusers typically have. $16.
seaside bag: Twee, but in a charming way. 10£
medieval weapons thumbtacks: we all have one friend who's a total dork. $9.99.
postcarden: Garden + postcard = easiest gift ever for lazy people to give. You don't even have to buy a card or an envelope. $12.95
your new girlfriend stickers: you should really buy this. I mean, she is your new girlfriend. $8.
owl sugar shaker: Fill it with sugar first and now it's two gifts in one. $14.
bud trap: Anyone with an iPod (everyone, obvs) has use for a little nub that prevents headphones from tangling. $5.95.
hummingbird feeder: hummingbirds are basically the classiest birds around, so you'd never guess that this pretty glass feeder is under five bucks. $4.98.

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