[Gift Guide] All Etsy All The Time

Do you know how much amazing shit there is on Etsy? A WHOLE HELL OF A LOT.
Yes, sometimes it takes forever and a day to search that mofo, but srsly: you could get all your holiday shopping done on there.
Only you have to hurry up, cause the clock is a' tickin...
presidential magnets: all 43 presidents are represented on 1-inch magnets that come attached to a poster. Give this one to your nephew who's studying American history for the first time. $60
fern pillow: creamy cotton and purple ink. $28.
Lotus nesting bowls: Five bowls from 3-7" are handmade in California. $210
bird feeders: insaaaane angular and abstract modern bird feeders in a variety of shapes. From $65.
pet ornament: send in a photo and receive a hand painted ornament with name banner for any pet. $17.
glass head: Store a hat on it or keep it in a closet to freak people out. $60
chalkboard horse: basically it's a horse covered in chalkboard paint. a nice gift for a kid going through one of those weird "horse phases.". from $12.
peanut butter bacon cups: who wouldn't want to find these in their stocking? Sure beats those crappy chocolate santas from Rite Aid. $12.95
decorative arrows: these sets of five painted arrows come in all different colors and look a lot cooler than a vase full of fake flowers. $30.

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