[I'M OBSESSED] Bridges

We've been driving to NJ a lot lately, which has given us the opportunity to travel over some new (to me) bridges. I'm not sure why, but I LOVE THE SHIT out of bridges.
I've taken to photographing as many of them as I can with my phone and, quite frankly, I can't get enough. I take a photo of the view going over the Manhattan Bridge several times a week from my Q or N train on my way home, and I *still* marvel it at almost every day.
The architecture...the symmetry...the lines...bridges fucking rawk.
Up until now, the Brooklyn Bridge has always been my fave. It's so graceful and elegant and, of course, holds a very special place in my heart because I love Brooklyn so damn hard. I also love that its so easily walkable, allowing you to explore its every nook and cranny and experience its breathtaking views from so many different angles.
However, mama's got a new crush, and even I'm surprised by it: The Bayonne Bridge.
Bayonne is not exactly a city that one associates with beauty or mystique. In fact, I'm pretty sure its the place that everyone on the Sopranos went to dump dead bodies. But still, look at this mofo!:
Seriously gorge, right??
You can see more of my bridge obsesh in my "My Daily Commute" Flickr set.

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