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[LOVE/HATE] Shelterpop's Curated Gilt Sale

You know how sometimes you love things and sometimes you hate things? Yeah, well that shit happens to me A LOT...sometimes at the exact same time. So, in honor of Shelterpop's curated Gilt Sale, we're gonna dive in and uncover some of this love/hate.

Ok, so true confessions: when Shelterpop asked me if I wanted to blog about their upcoming curated Gilt sale I was all:

And then I found out what I'd be blahgging blogging about: SOME JONATHAN ADLER LOVE/HATE JARS!

I mean, could you even begin to tryyyyy to think of some accessories that are more perfect pour moi? Anything??

Didn't think so.


And don't even start with me...cause I can read brain and I hear it saying: "uhm...so what, exactly would you do with the Jonathan Adler "love" jar, Ms. Design Blahg?" Here's the thing: I gots love AND I gots hate, ppl.

And those puppies above are a fine reminder that the world is made up of em both. So yes: even though everybody hates everything, herewith are some examples of some of my own love/hate:


Mirrored furniture...pretty much all of it/Starburst mirrors


Chic leather Chesterfield sofas/Puffy leather sofas from "furniture showrooms"



Needlepoint pillows/knitted pillows (note: Ok, fine. Some of those knitted pillows *are* admittedly kind of cute, but in general, I'm just not that into them. Wheras I could basically have every surface of my apt covered with needlepoint shit and still not get bored. The truth hurts, hunh?).


Elephants/Owls (I know a lot of ppl probs think elephants are played out, but I still love em. Also, uhm, Owls FREAK MY SHIT OUT...they're scurry).


Gilt Sales/That I'm not a bazillionaire.

Anyway, check out the Shelterpop curated Gilt sale...I'm guessing you'll find way more shit that you'll love than shit you'll hate.

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