Entries in magazines (9)


[REVIEW'D] New York Mag's Design Issue

As soon as the annual New York Magazine's Design Issue hits newsstands, you can basically hear the tornadoes of jealousy whirring up all over the city.  Because unless you have a job where you make mannny millions of dollars a year, you're basically guaranteed to live in a way shittier apartment  than any of those shown in the mag.

Featuring seven unaffordable apartments that are all like 1500-6000 square feet (my first apartment was 280 square feet so I'M NOT JEALOUS OR ANYTHING), this magazine that allegedly covers all five burroughs could apparently only find acceptable apartments in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Go fuck yourselves, other burroughs!

For some reason, they decided to give this year's issue a theme (families!) even though they almost completely ignore it.

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Online Design Mags: Some Thoughts

1. Holy shit I miss Domino Mag SO VERY HARD.

2. Here are some things that I enjoy more than the experience of reading an online mag:

  • Getting a pap smear.
  • Reaching my hand into Oliver's mouth after he's picked up a random, nasty-assed chicken bone on the street and I gotta retrieve it.
  • Preparing my tax returns.
  • watching the Nate Berkus show.

You get the picture. I'm sorry, but it's just true: the format of that shit does NOT translate online. Reading a magazine is FUN! Reading an online magazine is ANNOYING (though, I will say, I do not feel this way on the iPad. That shit is dope). That pdf flippy thing just sucks a dizzle. And if I'm on my little laptop at home its impossible to see anything. And that page-turny mechanism makes me suicidal. And that weird thing that goes down when you zoom in and the page shifts in the opposite direction makes me want to stomp on a baby's face. I just H-A-T-E the format.

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BREAKING: Country Living Mag Does Not Suck!

Does everyone know this? Or am I the only loser left in loserville who didn't get the memo? And if so: WHY DIDN'T YOU PPL TELL ME THIS SHIT BEFORE??

I mean, how long has this been going on?? Cause I swear to gawd it's true! Country Living Mag does not suck...like not at all!

I mean, if you think that you're gonna see all sorts of lame ass pics like...

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I Now Have Shelter Mags on My iPad...Do You??

Annnd, I just downloaded the Oct issue of Living, Etc ON MY MOTHERFUCKING IPAD! The future is now people.

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