Entries in upgrade (2)


[UPGRADE] Ebay Saved Searches

If you spend as much time and money on ebay as my ass does, you likely have a system. And yes: you TOTALLY FRIGGIN NEED one. While ebay is one of my true loves online, its also a bit of a beast. There are sooooo many items and sooooo many categories, and a lot of inexperienced rookies just get scared and give up before uncovering any of the jewels.

But don't give up btchz...it's t-o-t-a-l-l-y worth sticking it out.

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[UPGRADE] Ebay For Morons

If you don't know what an RSS feed is, your ass probably needs an Upgrade. We'll hold your hand through a step-by-step process (ish), in which we teach you how to NOT be a total fucking moron with a variety of rad online tools that will help feed your design obsesh. Pinky swear, this shit will make your life waaaay easier. This week: EBAY.

You might be thinking to yourself right now, "I'm dumb, but I'm not *that* dumb...I mean, I know how to use ebay for chrissakes," but unfortunately people, you may very well be *that* dumb after all. Though its sooo not your fault!

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