[WHERE I BLAHG]: Badder Homes & Gardens

We'll pull back the curtain, and give you an insider's look into the lives of some of your favorite bloggers with 'Where I blahg.' This week: Krista Hogg, one of the fab bloggers from the srsly FUN-NAY Badder Homes & Gardens!
In case you haven't noticed, funny-assed, foul-mouthed design bloggers are not exactly a dime a dozen...so us btchz gotz to stick together! If you've never checked out Badder Homes & Gardens, you're totally missing out on some insane shit that you can't believe anyone would actually buy (a photo re-enactment of the battle of Iwo Jima with a meat flag), some cool shit that you'll totally wanna buy (like a scratch-n-sniff moon poster!), and choice design advice like this: "don't pay $547.80 for a pube catcher!" This site needs its own damn laugh track. Go there now.
Krista Hogg from Badder Homes and Gardens. I’m part of a non-sexual blog threesome with Nikki Lott and Sarah Weigl.
What are we looking at here?
My bedroom, which is where I have to quarantine myself to write posts far from the distraction of reality TV. Dudes, there’s always a Top Model marathon on and I AM NOT ASHAMED OF MY OBSESSION. Ahem.
The cat-dented bedding is from the Macy’s Hotel Collection, and you can rest assured that we’ve been thinking really hard about steaming the creases out for a whole year. The lamps are from West Elm; I first saw them on my pal Robin’s blog Fu For Thought. One lamp is hammered metal and the other is gray bone because, duh, getting hammered and boning are totally bedroom appropriate.
Okay, something else you need to know is that I have a black three-legged cat named Mae Crashenburn who looks exactly like the portrait above the bed. Only, you know, minus one notable appendage. We bought it from Etsy seller JimBobArt to cement the fact that my boyfriend Matt and I are complete and total cat-lady lunatics. Obviously, our sixteen-pound fatty Ruby A-Go-Go is nonplussed by the whole situation. Oh, and there’s a Truman Capote biography on my side of the bed and a Lee Iacocca biography on Matt’s side of the bed because our genius brains are the size of the former Soviet Union.
What is about this spot that works for rocking out blog posts?
The aforementioned quarantining. There are also four windows, so the room, much like the exact opposite of my disposition, is always sunny. The mattress is also only about a year old so it’s still mind-numbingly comfortable. Pillow top, jerks. Black gold. Texas Tea. Wait, what?
Fave blog? (besides yours. Nice try):
I waste a lot of my life on Jezebel and Project Rungay. Sarah’s favorite is Hyperbole and a Half and Nikki’s is The Whoa. And we all obviously read about four billion design blogs: Design Sponge, Oh Joy!, My Favorite and My Best, Design Milk, Trendir, MocoLoco, Modish… hello? Is this thing on?
Fave online resource?:
For me, you can’t beat Etsy for art, One King’s Lane for home accessories, and CB2 for gifts. Sarah’s another Etsy fanatic, and Nikki digs Craigslist (she always finds great stuff, whereas I only find crap being sold by covert molesters); also FFFFOUND and ThisNext.
Cupcakes or brownies?
Brownies, ya’ll. I mean, I’ll go to town on a cupcake, but I like to embrace the feminine cliché and squeal things like, “Give me chocolate or give me death! Amiright, ladies? High five!” Hurray, estrogen! Goooo tampons!
Last thing you bought for your home?
I ordered three mirrors from One Kings Lane, but I kind of hate them in person.
What we really need is the Mitchell Gold and Bob Williams Chester sofa. Have them send it to us for free, would you? Really, at this point it’s the least you could do.
Is that "End of the Road" Boys to Men song playing in your head right now?? ME TOOO! Well pick up the shattered pieces of your life and just follow the Badder girls on Twitter (@BadderHomes). And read more of their shit here.

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