[WHERE I BLAHG]: Decor Demon

photo: Sarah Dorio Photography
Each week (ish) we'll pull back the curtain, and give you an insider's look into the lives of some of your favorite bloggers with 'Where I blahg.' This week: Brian Patrick Flynn (@DecorDemon) from the hilarious Decor Demon!
If you're not yet aware of my Decor Demon obsesh, then clearly you don't know me at all. Like I'm talking it might be time for us to srsly re-evaluate our relationship. Let's just say that if RULING MY FACE SO VERY HARD were an Olympic sport, this dude would pretty much have more Gold medals than Michael Phelps (also, I SO bet Brian has a pair of those little speedos too). His site is bursting at the seams with fabulous photos of all of the spaces he styles and designs, and that would so be enough ppl...cause that's how hard they rock. But he even goes to the trouble of telling you where the hell he gets all the shit he gets, and how he puts it all together. Oh, and he's funny as all get out too...AND ON A MOTHERFUCKING TV SHOW. And the best part?: he's the only Where I Blahgger to ever put himself in his photo (and could you just die over the cuteness??). So yeah, obvies TLF.
Brian Patrick Flynn from Decor Demon.
What are we looking at here?
A. A smug, six-foot-five, decorating-savvy, won't-look-straight-at-the-camera motherfukker;
B. A sneaky, ultra-white Terrier who looks more like a cross between a deer, a baby pig and a Gremlin than a dog;
C. A design studio closet re-worked as a reading/sleeping nook.
What is it about this spot that works for rocking out blog posts?:
As a product of the MTV generation, my attention span is somewhat non-existent. I knew that if I was going to try my hand at the Interwebs and the Twitters and the Facebooks and do it right, I needed to be tucked far, far away from [1] housewives that are not real nor wives; [2] superstylists who speak of bananas; [3] uneventful twentysomethings who complain about each other at restaurants in the Hollywood Hills ALL DAY LONG; [4] floor-to-ceiling windows with sweeping views of the blue Atlanta sky. So, naturally, I tore the closet out, upholstered it with graphic red/orange IKEA fabric, added black-out lined, noise-reducing cotton duck draperies as well as throw pillows and a seat cushion cut from Fabricut silks and wovens. What works best is the complete lack of distraction...which ends quickly the moment Gidget's squirrel-detected-within-50-feet radar kicks in. Then I'm totally screwed.
Fave blog? (besides yours. Nice try):
Original, photographic content is what gets my goose. That being said, The Selby and The Sartorialist inspire the hell out of me; however, I don't necessarily visit them daily.
As far as daily is concerned, I need a generous side of sarcasm and an extra helping of self deprecation with my design/decorating fix. My sources: Design Blahg, Nick Olsen Style, The Brass Petal, Daily Candy, the Design Star recaps on My Favorite & My Best and sarcastic text messages from my designer friends John Gidding and Betsy Burnham. No, I did NOT just name drop, I simply stated that I enjoy text messages from two smartypants, high-profile friends who are stellar texters. STFU.
Fave online resource?:
Hands down, the Pieces website. Lee Kleinhelter and I share brain cells somehow. We both love the SAME EXACT STUFF. You could take furniture from my house and stick it in hers and it would fit seamlessly...and vice versa. Regardless of being able to actually afford anything, it's still an amazing source of inspiration.
Example: imaginary librarian, Pappie Snorkelbottoms, has been stalking a set of 1960's iron scrollbacks on craigslist but has no idea how to make them new and fresh. Snorkie clickety-clicks her way through Kleinhelter's site realizing that a simple coat of white on the bases and a set of solid, textural Sunbrella cushions not only make it chic, but also timeless.
As far as non-vintage retail furniture sites go: Wisteria, Wisteria, cb2 and Wisteria. Wisteria has become my new secret weapon. All of it looks super expensive, yet pretty much EVERYTHING is insanely afforable. And even when you buy multiple pieces from them, it never looks catalog-ish or matchy-matchy.
Cupcakes or brownies?
Rice Krispie treats, black and white cookies and kids' cereals. But if I had to choose one of those two snorefests, I would go with red velvet cupcakes.
Last thing you bought for your home?
A. Red-orange garage floor paint to stencil zig-zags to my white, wide plank, studio floor;
B. Woven wood shades from Texton for my living room. And when I say living room, I actually mean entire house. And by entire house, I hope my checkbook-focused, significant other doesn't read this.
The End.
Are you sad this is over? Cause I am. Lucky for you me us there is way more BPF over hurr on Decor Demon. Also, follow DD on Twitter for live tweeting of the Bachelor Pad (ok, not really, but he DOES watch).
[Want to be featured in "Where I Blahg?" Hit us up].

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