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Each week we'll pull back the curtain, and give you an insider's look into the lives of some of your favorite bloggers with 'Here's where they blahg.' This week: ME (what the fuck did you expect?) Voila, Design Blahg.


Erica from Design Blahg

What are we looking at here?

This is our dining "nook." Saying the word "nook" makes me feel like a total fucking douchebag, but whatevs, that's what people call it, right? If pressed to choose one, I'd have to say that thisis my fave spot in our apartment. Our banquette is from Ballard Designs and in addition to the fact that you get to choose the fabric it gets upholstered in, THERE IS STORAGE UNDERNEATH THE BENCHES! Srsly, ppl: I can-NOT overstate the fabulousness of this fact. In a 690 sf apt, we need all the storage we can get, so its killer to have some extra space under there.

What is it about this spot that works for rocking out blog posts?

Well, this spot pretty much has a little bit of everything I look for in a work area. Not sure why, but I feel more "serious" if I'm sitting here than I do on my couch or my bed--it feels more like I'm "working," even if I'm just fucking around on Twitter or getting sucked into the Etsy search vortex.  BUT, also I can also look to my left when I'm sitting on the banquette, and then I have a p-e-r-f-e-c-t view of our TV. And yeah, when you watch as much TV as I do, you kind of always like to be within v. easy reach of the sucker. Which I guess kind of distracts me from blogging, but whatevs... 

Fave design blog? (besides ours...OR yours. Nice try):

There are sooo many design blogs I love, I'm mad at myself for even coming up with this question. But, if I had to pick *one* I must confess that I'm pretty in love with My Favorite and My Best. I mean, I gotta give it up for my fellow, potty-mouthed design bloggers, and that chick is fucking hilarious. Srsly, read her stuff...its better for you than vitamins or coconut water. TRUST.

Fave online resource?:

I've recently become kind of addicted to ImageKind, which is like Cafe Press for art. Searching is slightly annoying, but if you stick with it, there is some rad stuff on there. I also have a major hard on for Pottery Barn Teen. I mean, I wouldn't furnish my entire apt with that shit, but there really is some fab, cheap stuff on there. Like look how adorable this clear, little side table for $99 bucks. This would look so killer in my imaginary office.

Cupcakes or brownies?

I'm seriously flummoxed over the fact that there are people who exist out in the world...like REAL LIVE PEOPLE who would choose brownie here, but trust me there are. I, however, am not one of them. CUPCAKES!!!!!!!!

Last thing you bought for your home?

This insanely cool, vintage (gigantic!) National Geographic book with all these great old maps. I got it at the Hester Street fair in NYC for $20.

[Want to be featured in "Where I Blahg?" Hit us up.]

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