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[WHERE I BLAHG]: Sketch42

Each week we'll pull back the curtain, and give you an insider's look into the lives of some of your favorite bloggers with 'Here's where they blahg.' This week: Nicole Cohen from Sketch42.

If Design Blahg had a blog bff, Sketch42 might be it. As a sassy bloggeurs go: Nicole has killer taste (hello, LOOK AT THE PIC OF HER BEDROOM), is addicted to reality TV like me, likes to curse, and has the most gorgeous new lighting fixtures in her kitchen, she might need to file an online restraining order against me if I mention them one more time. Her blog has quickly become an every day read for me as I trudge my way through the dub dub dub, as we share a love of both design, and occasional snark (well, more occasional on her part than on mine). 


Nicole Cohen from Sketch42.

What are we looking at here?

We are looking at my bed, I spend about all of my home time in bed. With the kid, without the kid, watching TV, listening to Howard Stern, and of course, blogging.

What is it about this spot that works for rocking out blog posts?

After I throw all that shit on the floor, I take that awesome neck roll and I prop it up behind me. The mattress is the perfect balance of soft and hard. I keep one soft and one hard pillow on my side of the bed. Awesome for sleeping. In the morning I bring my iced coffee in bed and catch up on all my blogs. At night, I snuggle with some reality tv and grind out the recaps, and the blahg posts. Only problem is: bedtime blogging is giving me carpel tunnel syndrome. My husband tries to get me to sit at my desk, but I dont.

Fave blog? (besides ours...OR yours. Nice try):

My favorite design blog is Rebecca June. Why? We started our blogs at the same time last year, and by some internet miracle we found each other. And now she is one of my closest friends (that I have never even met!). I also like her blog because it is the opposite of mine. Her blog is extremely well edited and refined--Becca has an amazingly well trained eye. My blog is a mess of everything I ever thought about.

 Fave online resource?:

M&J Trimming's online store MJTRIM.COM is one of my favorite online resources. Of course nothing is better than walking into the actual store, but the online store is almost as inspirational. I love their blog as well because they feature tons of fun DIY ideas.

Cupcakes or brownies?

EH... Neither. Chocolate chip cookies. FOR SURE. I made an organic batch last week (I just followed the recipe on the Nestle bag, but subbed in organic ingredients) and they are so awesome. I freeze them and eat them in bed, while blogging.

Last thing you bought for your home?

Hmmmm....I literally cant stop buying things, but the newest thing in the house is that bedding!

If you can't get enough of Nicole, there's way more here on Sketch42 or here on Twitter.

[Want to be featured in "Where I Blahg?" Hit us up].

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