[WHO GIVES A SHIT?] Judging A Book By Its Cover

Look: I appreciate the original sentiment behind the idea of NOT judging a book by its cover but here's the thing: I ALWAYS JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER. Like I mean A-L-W-A-Y-S.
And, quite frankly, the idea that I shouldn't be judging a book by its cover is sort of annoying to me now. Cause I think if you are writing a book, you best be spending a fuckload of time with your publisher making sure your cover looks kick-ass. And if you're a publisher, I'm guessing you already spend bucketfulls of cash money on a staff of peeps hired for the express purpose of churning out cool covers. So can we just let this shit die already?
In honor of judging books by their covers, here are a few I would buy EXPRESSLY cause their covers are cool as shit:
RESORT FASHION: Style in Sun-Drenched Climates (above)
I would rather get a root canal than go shopping for a bathing-suit...and I have no fucking clue who this woman is on the cover. But I WANT THIS BOOK IMMEDS.
GAS BOOK 08: Blue Source
I have no fucking clue what this is! I can't even be bothered to googlez! But if I saw this book on a table, I would totally pick it up.
PETER CAREY Tissue Paper series backlist
I loved Jack Maggs, but I haven't ever picked up any of this dude's other books. But look how gorge this shit is!?
BOOKS DO FURNISH A ROOM by Leslie Geddes-Brown
The bitch had me at the white glossy floors....wrap it up, I'll take 10.
Ok, so fill me in: Just me? Do you btchz judge books by their covers too?

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