Who Gives A Shit: Nail Polish In Weird Colors?
Blahg'd on
Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 06:00AM | by

image via Simone Hanckel's Pinterest
I watch Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars, have read every Twilight book, and I'll even admit to thinking Justin Bieber is *kinda* cute, but for some reason, I gotta draw the line at weird nail polish colors.
And by "weird" I pretty much mean anything that's not some sort of variation of red, pink, coral. Like blue, green, yellow. OMGZ, and if you're using one of those colors AND you have sparkles in it!? I just can't.
For some reason, I am just far...and I mean F-A-R too old for that shit.
Just me? Are you guys down with the bizarro colored nail polish?
who gives a shit |
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