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[WHO GIVES A SHIT?] What Do You Splurge On?

I'm def very much in the hi/low camp when it comes to decorating (mixing nicer pieces with less expensive pieces), though aren't we all? I mean, unless you're super, duper, mega, rich (in which case, HELLO! Let's be besties and take trips to the Amalfi Coast together!) then you probs do the same thing in your place.

I mean, I've got shit from ABC Carpet AND Ikea. Tarjay completes me, but also I love my Frette robe like it's a family member.

So, if you're not a bazillionaire, what do you think is worth splurging on in your home?

Here's my list:

Lighting Fixtures

Jonathan Adler Meurice Chandelier; Zia Priven Monaco Chandelier are pictured above

I haven't done any scientific experiements or anything, but I'm pretty sure lighting is up there on the list of everyone's biggest decorating mistake. I'm a big believer in the notion that lighting can either make or break a space. I mean, who the hell cares that you spent all that time makin your place look all cute-n-shit if you can't SEE it!? So, get yourself some lighting fixtures that properly light your space and also say TADDOW! to everyone who walks through your door. And even if you can't splurge on all of them, splurge on one and replace the others when you can. Also, dimmers: JUST SAY YES. Btchz look way the hell better in low light, and also it's nice to have options.

We have that Jonathan Adler number in living room, and I loves it a lot. But also I dream of Zia Priven's lighting fixtures, and one day I will own a bunch.

A Killer Couch

This is not my couch, but I totally dig this oneI mean, do the math ppl: multiply the amount of time you and your family will sit your ass on the couch from now till kingdom come x1000 and then divide that by by the time you spend on all your other furniture. Why? I DON'T KNOW...I just made that formula up. But my point is: a good couch is totally worth it.

In fairness, we have two couches in our living room and one of them is a hot-n-sexy butter leather Chesterfield from ABC Carpet that Greg and I pretty much just fight over every night, and one of em is from Crate & Barrel. Needless to say, the Crate & Barrel couch is like my adopted stepson from my husband's first marriage, I barely notice it (also, totally kidding, ppl...we don't have any kids! Yay!). Anyway, Greg does not even totally FIT on the C&B couch, and yet he still always wants to be on the ABC Carpet one. We got it on sale and it still cost more than any other piece of furniture in our apt, BUT, I will have this thing FOREVAH. Srsly. I can't even show you a pic, cause then you would be so jel that you wouldn't even be able to get anything done today. And that's how much I care about you.


I'm guessing this is one of the most common splurges, and for good reason. And by the way, when I say splurge, I'm not talking about a REAL splurge, which for me would probs be Anichini sheets & bedding (they make "YACHT LINENS" ppl! That's always a good way to figure out if shit is luxurious: is there an option for yacht owners? If so, you're gonna be a BALLER if you buy that shit). Also, Nicole from Sketch42 was talkin about some cashmere sheet shit in the comments. And while I like the idea of that, I'm not quite sure how you'd keep those clean. I have enough trouble keeping my sheets clean that can easily be thrown into a washing machine, so the whole thing just sounds like bad news to me. So yeah, I try to buy sheets in the highest thread count I can afford, BUT it's also super important to feel that shit before you buy it. Cause you can find 600 thread count sheets that still feel kind of itchy. I don't know if its b/c stuff gets mislabeled, or b/c all thread counts are not made the same, but you gotta be careful.

In terms of towels, I like em big, white and fluffy. We got some great Donna Karan towels as wedding gifts, and they are still fluffy as can be years later. But mostly you have to just go and feel those things before you buy em.

We also are going to need a new mattress soon, and that's another thing I think it's worthwhile to empty your bank account for.

What do you guys splurge on?

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