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[COOL OR NOT COOL?] TV In Your Bedroom

Here's a quick, not even close to comprehensive, rundown of the shows I watch on TV: SYTYCD, Pretty Little Liars, Vampire Diaries, Mad Men, every reality TV show on Bravo...like EVER, Design Star, Modern Family, Parks & Rec, The Bachelorette, Glee, Gossip Girl, Entourage, Nurse Jackie, Dexter...I could go on, but won't. Cause it's sadz.


Take a guess whether or not yours truly has a TV in her bedroom??

Right...so obvs. Yes. Duh. In fact we have a 2 TV, 2 HDTV Tivo setup (meaning we could record 4 shows at once if we need to...and yes...sometimes we very much need to.

But I know this whole TV in the bedroom thing is a bit touchy and some peeps are dead set against it. What's your sitch? TV in the boudoir: yea or nay?

p.s. That's a Giorgio Armani TV up above! Yes, really!

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    Nice Web site, Stick to the good job. Thank you so much.

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