[COOL SHIT] Chalkboard Animals

If you made the mistake of having kids, you'll know that children LOVE to mess everything up, mostly because they just can't help wanting to draw on shit. The only time I was ever spanked as a child was when I drew on our beautiful deck with a permanent marker. My question? Who left the stupid permanent marker out for the 4-year-old to get ahold of? Sounds like bad parenting to me, MOM AND DAD.
But whatever. These Chalkboard Animal decals from Ochelly ($55.98 for a set of 6 animal decals) will allow the little bastards the thrill of drawing on the walls, but you don't have to worry about A.) cleaning it up or B.) dealing with a wall of gross chalkboard paint in your home for the rest of your life. The decals promise to remove easily and are, allegedly, reusable.

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