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[COOL SHIT] Spiders on Drugs Bowls

Remember that research that came out awhile ago that was like, "the average person inadvertently eats 12 spiders while sleeping in their lifetime"?  Yeah, that shit is gross, which is why I hate spiders.  Creepy little bastards, sneaking up into my mouth while I'm dreaming about a life that doesn't include the MTA. 

But regardless of my hatred, I really really like these bowls that were featured over at Design Milk.

They're the creation of French designer Guillaume Lehoux and they're based on the results of a NASA experiment which explored the differences between web patterns woven by spiders who were sober and those who were placed under the influence of a whole host of different drugs.

Yes, that's right, people.  SPIDERS ON DRUGS. 

Check this shit out...

Here's a web/bowl weaved by a sober spider:

Note how nice and round and great it is. 

Then, BAM!  Here's a web/bowl weaved by a spider on marijuana:

Look at how fucked up that shit is!  That spider couldn't even be bothered to close the circle up, probably because he was too busy trying to get to the bodega so he could pick up some hot fries and ho-hos. 

Basically, what this little experiment proves is:

1. Spiders on drugs are like humans on drugs.  They totally fuck everything up that they try to accomplish.  If you've ever announced to your friends that you could "TOTALLY DRIVE A CAR" after about 15 beers, you know what I'm talking about.  CAR.  WRAPPED.  AROUND.  TREE.  BYE. 

2. Spiders on drugs—while terrible at making webs—are pretty good at providing the design foundations for some fucking cool bowls.  

3. We continue to funnel money into the space program despite the fact that all we learn from their painstaking "research" is that spiders ain't no good when they fucked up, neither.  GREAT, guys.  Keep shooting for the moon.  We'll just be down here, waiting on the unemployment line and eating our old handbags for a much-needed serving of protein. 

Wanna see what spider's webs look like when they all hopped up on benzedrine and chloral hydrate?  Awwww yeah, you do. Head over to Design Milk to see what's up.

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