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[I'M OBSESSED] Mirror Mirror On The Wall...

I am obsessed with mirrors. Not looking into them, thank you very much, but using them as part of the decor in your home. I feel like I should be sick of them already...like isn't this a trend that's overdone?

But nope...I just keep on truckin.

We already have a mirrored coffee table (which I love), but truth be told: when I'm thinking about new shit for our apt, 50% of the time, a mirror is somehow involved.

So, here's a roundup of all sorts of gorge mirrored pics I've come across recently on the interwebz:

Just to be an asshole, I'm throwing in our mirrored coffee table from West Elm, eventhough you can't buy it anymore (luckily I found it on Casa Sugar):

I'm D-Y-I-N-G to do a sexy mirrored backsplash in our kitchen:

And last week AT posted about these cool adhesive mirrored tiles from Kit Kraft. They have all sorts of sizes and shapes, and I'm thinking of, perhaps, using them in the kitchen instead of the one solid piece we were planning on:

OR maybe just on EVERY SINGLE solitary flat surface in our apartment...I still haven't decided.

If you have a fireplace (unlike moi) you could use em on there like this person did:

This one is my fave: instead of traditional mattes in your framed paintings, use MIRRORED MATTES! !!!!???? I mean, right!????

This mirrored matte idea came from Casa Sugar, and I love it so much I'm nominating it for a Nobel Peace prize. They mention calling your frame shop to see if you can arrange, but I bet it would be way cheaper if you just went to the glass shop. Here in NYC we have a bunch of em down by Canal Street. If you bring in your frame so they can measure how large the matte needs to be, they might even be able to cut you up one on the spot.

So yeah...obvs my mirror obsession just will not die.

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