Entries in celebs (15)


[I'M OBSESSED] Gwyneth Paltrow's Kitchen




Michaelangelo's David. Versailles. Those bitches have NOTHING on Gwyneth Paltrow's Tribeca kitchen. I think this might be the most beautiful space I've ever seen in my whole life...like e-v-e-r.

Yes I have a white obsesh...and a marble obsesh, and so clearly this shit is like a Playboy spread pour moi.

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Celebrity Pools

I'm in Philly for the weekend, and though I haven't checked a thermometer, I'm pretty sure the current temp is approx: 900 million billion degrees. Which is, duh, why I have pools on my mind.

In fact, if you have a pool, you should know that I already hate you. Just like I hate all of these mofo celebs and all of their celebrified pools.

So yeah: If you want to avoid getting angry and throwing your computer at the wall in fit of jealousy and rage, do NOT click here.

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[I'M OBSESSED] Sophia Coppola Is A Bitch

Cause she's married to Thomas Mars of Phoenix, i.e. MYFAVORITEFUCKINGBANDINTHEWHOLEWIDEWORLD.

Also her movies are gorge. And the next one is called Somewhere...and it looks so fab. And was shot in LA and mostly at the Chateau Marmont, and I love the CM. And dream about moving in there for a month or two.

And that makes me jelly of her.

[click through to watch the trailer].

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[INTERVIEW'D] George From 9 By Design

Yo! Check it! Here is Part One of our exclusive interview with George Hribar, from Bravo TV's new hit show 9 By Design.

I watch a lot of TV...like A LOT. So I know what the fuck I'm talking about when it comes to "must see TV." And 9 By Design, Bravo's new reality TV show about Bob & Cortney Novogratz, their design firm Sixx Design, and their gigantic family was, hands down, my fave new reality show of the season. Even though there were only 6 eps in season one, I watched each and every one of them SO HARD...sometimes twice.

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[NATE DAY] Nate Berkus's W. Village Apt Is My Apt's Bro

Yo, today is Nate Day! The these @moggitgirls hit the Twitterverse, and they hit it HARD by organizing a special day for design bloggers near and far. So today we're all sharing our most favorite-ist Nate Berkus-ified products and rooms (because Nate rules all our faces), but also in anticipation of the premiere of Nate's new show! It's on September 13th! And I will soooo have that shit Tivo'd! So herewith, is the Nate Berkus room that rawked my world the hardest. Follow all the #NateDay action on Twitter here.

Ok, so if "imitation is the most sincere form of flattery," I'm hoping Nate Berkus will feel totally fucking flattered when he comes over to my apartment for dinner (that's part of #NateDay too, right?).

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