Entries in million dollar decorators (5)


[RECAP] Million Dollar Decorators: Episode 4

Last week, Martyn taught a bunch of Mexicans how to clean a home the proper way for a sex tycoon, Jeffrey redid a gym bathroom, setting the perfect stage for a high-quality gay porn, and Kathryn launched her own spin-off: Hoarders: The Rich Nutcase Edition.

This week, we find out that Jimmy Choo is not run by a gay Asian man (or, a "Gaysian"), Mary doesn't listen to her client again, Jeffrey plans a birthday party, and Kathryn continues to plug her Hoarders spin-off.

Recaps are hosted at You're Welcome, so click on over there to read about this trainwreck of an episode.


[RECAP] Million Dollar Decorators: Episode 3

Last week, we were thrown right back into the "drama," where some rich ladies didn't like stuff and Martyn and Kathryn got drunk.

This week, Martyn is redoing the Girls Gone Wild scumbag's $30 million mansion in Mexico (where sex crime laws are more lax, no doubt), Kathryn is dealing with a rich packrat, Jeffrey redoes his gym's bathroom, Mary dicks around, and Nathan goes missing.

Recaps are hosted at, You're Welcome, so click on over there to read about this trainwreck of an episode.


[RECAP] Million Dollar Decorators: Episode 2

Last week, we met the five crazies that we will be following around for the remainder of the season while they drop hundreds of thousands of dollars on stupid shit like side tables and gold-leaf covered antler chandeliers.

This week, we were thrown right back into the "drama," where some rich lady doesn't like Jeffrey's design, some rich lady is upset about antique tiles, and Martyn and Kathryn get drunk.

Anyone sensing a theme here?

From now on, recaps will be hosted on Amanda's site, You're Welcome, so click on over there to read about what happened during this trainwreck of an episode.


[RECAP] Million Dollar Decorators: Episode 1

Million Dollar Decorators premiered tonight and while its tag line is "Designed for Drama," I have to comment on how disappointed I was that not ONE person threw a glass of wine in another person's face.  Nobody's weave got pulled out, nobody even threw up their hands and screamed "OH HELL NO!" 

What's the deal, Bravo?  

I want to see some bitches get SLAPPED.

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A Million Ridiculous Quotes from Million Dollar Decorators

I got my hands on an advanced copy of the premiere episode of Bravo's new reality show, Million Dollar Decorators and let me just say this.

You better buy a hat and hold the fuck onto it.  

This show is RIDICULOUS.

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