Entries in round-up (13)



The very idea of color coding may be as lame as Sandra Lee's tablescapes (Vicodin much?), but WE DON'T CARE.

Color Coded is a series where we pick out cool design stuff based on color.  Awww yeah, Rosa Parks—it feels like 1960's Birmingham up in here. LET'S GO!


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[ROUND-UP] The Salt-n-Peppa Edition

There are two ways I judge whether or not my heart has officially died enough to be considered a full-fledged adult:

1. Whether or not my heart skips a beat when I hear the words "open bar."

2. When I hear the words "salt and pepper," I think "common seasoning ingredients used in the culinary arts" rather than "WHATTA MAN, WHATTA MAN, WHATTA MIGHTY GOOD MAN [YES HE IS]."

I'm happy to report that based on this criteria, I am still more of a college student than an adult, but regardless of my own personal immaturity, I tend to get excited about kitchen gadgets/acoutrements, which sounds like a really boring adult thing to me.  

So, I thought I'd take the time to explore some unique salt and pepper shakers out there for those of you looking to spice things up (GET IT, GET IT?).  Ready, set, gotta get pepp—let's talk about salt, Spinderella.

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[COLOR CODED] We All Live in a Yellow Submarine

The very idea of color coding may be as lame as Sandra Lee's tablescapes (Vicodin much?), but WE DON'T CARE.

Color Coded is a series where we pick out cool design stuff based on color.  Awww yeah, Rosa Parks—it feels like 1960's Birmingham up in here. LET'S GO!

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[ROUND-UP] Map Quest 

Oh, what's up, Vasco Da Gama? 

After browsing around on Urban Outfitters, I realized that the cool thing to do now is to decorate like you're GD Amerigo Vespucci.

I don't hate the look of decorating with maps (and map-related acoutrements), but if you overdo it, you're bound to look like a pretentious douchebag.  One day, you'll find yourself saying things like: Oh, this old thing?  It's just representative of my adventurous nature! I love to travel!, completely ignoring the fact that the most exotic place you've travelled to in the last 6 months is Long Island.  

People might also question whether you're embroiled in a large-scale game of Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?

Whatever.  Land ho, Magellan!

Lets check this shit out.

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[COLOR CODED] Seeing Red

The very idea of color coding may be as lame as Sandra Lee's tablescapes (Vicodin much?), but I DON'T CARE.

I have always been very matchy matchy in my fashion choices (you'll see me in a hot pink polo shirt and a lime green hat with hot pink writing on it—I look like a goddamned five-year-old who was dressed by her blind grandmother), and that attention to color has translated over to my home decor.

My current living room is all dark wood with red accents, and I'm always on the look-out for anything red that I can incorporate into the situation (isn't it sad that Jersey Shore has SO permeated our culture that as I typed "the situation" I literally pictured that douchebag juicehead in my mind?  AWFUL).

I can't be the only one who does this, right?  So, viola! A new series where we pick out cool design stuff based on color.  Awww yeah, Rosa Parks—it feels like 1960's Birmingham up in here. LET'S GO!

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