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To All My Fellow Fallen Apartment Therapy Small, Cool Comrades: We Salute You!

So yeah, we had our brief moment under the spotlight, and I'm not gonna lie: I loved the shit out of it.

On a whim, I decided to enter our aparment in Apartment Therapy's Small, Cool contest. From the seconds in between when I hit that "submit" button until the moment our place got posted on their site, I was completely convinced that we'd never get picked. But then once we did, I would have bet you a million dollars that we would have won the whole damn thing.

And yeah...we so didn't. Jessica from Cambridge trounced us in round two with her solidly "eh" apartment, and now I'm left feeling like those contestants who audition for American Idol and stand there in complete shock as the judges laugh their asses off at them, asking them things like "did you GENUINELY think you were going to make it on the show? I mean, SERIOUSLY???"

Yes, Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan (Simon)...yes we did.


The contest is still going on (you should check it out and vote!), but in the meantime I thought I would take this opp to salute my fellow fallen Small, Cool contestants (in our category: LITTLE!). We shall overcome, ppl...for realz.

Alexandra's Open Plan

Alex (can I call you alex?) is a Park Slope neighbor, so hatch your "everyone hates Park Slope conspiracy theories if you must. Alex and her husband seem to favor blues, which...you know...is totally cool. I happen to quite like this wallpaper here. The layout of their apt is pretty rad, and they somehow have a second bedroom in a space that is only 60sf bigger than my place, so bravo on that. They lost to Mary Kathryn, yet another Park Slope rez (so there goes the conspiracy theories).

She mentioned that one of her biggest challenges was agreeing on furniture and decor choices with her husband. TELL. ME. ABOUT. IT. The first time Greg and I went furniture shopping we almost broke up. So, I feel ya Alex.

Anyway, you guys fought a long hard fight and really do have a cute BK apartment.

We salute you, Alexandra & husband!!

Maureen & Lui's Work-in-Progress

DAYM, this one had to H-U-R-T. Maureen from Jamaica Plain, MA lost by FOUR votes! FOUR FUCKING VOTES to Andrew from Brooklyn (ok, 2 seconds ago I had a conspiracy theory at work AGAINST ppl from BK...maybe there is one against ppl from anywhere else?).

I'm kind of digging the moody colors of this one...the dark gray and purple are sexy. I mean yeah: Andrew's place was shiny and white and new, but everything old is new again, right? They did lose me a bit with the log pillow on that bench (which almost looked inflatable?), but the light fixture in the bedroom makes up for it.

Also, I'm not sure if its actually a needlepoint pillow, but if so, that bug pillow on the couch is TOTALLY KILLER.

And these people are from Boston, so maybe they say things like Cah? Cause that would be pretty cool.

Mostly I'm sad that they only lost by 4 votes...they'd probably be feeling way better right now if they lost by 400 (like me!). Or not.

Still, we salute you Maureen & Lui!


This one really stung for me, cause I loved this Adam dude's pad (and don't really get how in the hell Andrea from NY beat him...here place was hella cheesy!). I hope people in Houston don't take this as insult, but Adam's place doesn't really look like a Texas-y type place

It's chic and clean, and playful...and yeah, as the title of the post suggests, his art is killer.

We salute you, Adam! Your place is AH-MAZING!

Finally, we have our place: Erica's layered light. No offense to Jessica in Cambridge, but I still have no clue how the fuck we got beat.

But we did...and we got beat HARD. My pictures were super shitty, but still. Unlike, Maureen, our asses didn't lose by 4 measly votes (try 339 on for size = OUCH).

Anyway, yay for the losers...we salute you! (and fine, congrats to the winners so far too).

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    DESIGN BLAHG - A Snarky Design Blog - BLAHG - To All My Fellow Fallen Apartment Therapy Small, Cool Comrades: We Salute You!

Reader Comments (5)

This post is awesome! I can SO feel you on the topic -- I submitted my place, but didn't even get posted on the AT page. I was sooo bummed. Still, despite our bitter disappointment, this post is honest and hilarious. Thanks!

May 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSimone

Erica: your place is so great! I LOVE the white floors and that banquette is to die for. Sorry you didn't win :(

May 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLisaD

Sorry about the loss - i was totally on your team! I have been obsessed with your white floors ever since I saw them. Very cool. Congrats on the new blog!

May 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTonia

wait. who won?

May 3, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbkgirl

i though bk stood for Burger King

May 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTG

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