[WHERE I BLAHG]: The Brass Petal AKA Emily From Design Star!

photo: Teralyn FisherEach week (ish) we'll pull back the curtain, and give you an insider's look into the lives of some of your favorite bloggers with 'Here's where I blahg.' This week: Emily from The Brass Petal (and Design Star!).
As you all know, I'm kind of obsessed with HGTV's reality TV competition Design Star. And while I've been known to rant-n-rave about the contestants from time to time EVERY FRIGGIN WEEK, I do believe that there is one shining star amidst a sea of crap: prop stylist Emily. She's quirky, and fun, and so knows how to make fun of herself. Basically it's all TLF up in hurr.
She's so all about marching to the beat of her own drum, in fact, she decided to forego all of our regular "where I blahg" questions and just make up her own. I'm sorry you'll never know whether or not she prefers brownies or cupcakes. What can I say ppl: SHE'S A DESIGN STAR!!
So, this is where i blahg. Or more like where i sit and stare at the computer waiting for blogging ideas to come to me. Sometimes I find myself on you-tube watching video after video of 'cute baby animals'. Try it. You will undoubtedly waste hours, but such happy hours they will be. 'Sneezing panda' gets me every-time, Oh and 'Kitten riding a turtle' is a go-to on my grumpiest mornings. Amazing.
Anyway, every morning, around 6:30 i brew a pot of joe and have a seat in my wingback that makes me feel like a king -- ooh, it should be called my kingback. Yes. A little animal named Bearcat crawls up on my lap and I write about whatever the eff i want to, because that's what blogs are all about. And about an hour and a half after that, I don't get to do whatever I want to, because i have to go do this thing called 'work'. So, yeah...this is my favorite time of the day.
Anyway, this is my dining room/office - its the center of the apartment and where all the action goes down. Behind me is my mood-board which right now has a lot of navys, hot pinks, greys, blacks, etc. It changes way more often than is healthy. The white laquer ikea console you see is one of three non-vintage things I own in my apartment --the other two being lamps from ikea. Its uber functional and hides my printer/scanner and all the chords that i can't believe are still necessary, as well as all my paint decks, swatches, etc.
Its bright and fresh and has views up into the Hollywood Hills --though it sounds much fancier than it actually is. The apartment building is like Melrose Place in the early 90's, only imagine that it looks like Melrose except they haven't maintained it in the last 15 years. And, OK: probably less drama too. But it's home. And it's quiet. And after years of living in New York, the fact that i have a dining room is still a daily source of happiness....and bragging.
Ok so if you love Emily as much as my ass does, here's what you should do (in the following order): 1. Go follow her immeds on Twitter (@thebrasspetal). 2. Go to her blog, read all of her content and post a million billion comments. 3. Watch her on Design Star on Sundays at 10pm. 4. Stage a protest outside of the offices of HGTV, and threaten to n-e-v-e-r leave until Emily is awarded her own TV show (ok #4 *is* optional but still highly recommended).

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