[COOL OR NOT COOL] Turning your house into a Winter Wonderland

My mother was not a Kool-Aid mom, greeting me at the door after school with a tray of wholesome snacks, or welcoming the neighborhood kids over for slumber parties and rice krispie squares.
She's not overly sentimental, and her attitude when I was growing up was, decidedly, "do it yourself."
All of this is fine—it made me independent and self-sufficient and blahblahblah rationalization—BUT, it makes it very confusing when Christmas time rolls around and she suddenly transforms into Mrs. Claus.
Our kitchen—the one that she barely uses the other 11 months of the year—is turned into a 24-hour cookie-baking factory. All of the door knobs in the house are adorned with plush Rudolph faces which makes it fucking IMPOSSIBLE to enter or exit a room. Every flat surface is covered with cotton and other forms of fake snow. It is a straight-up, motherfucking winter wonderland in there, and it's CRAZY.