Entries in stationery (1)


[WHO GIVES A SHIT?] Holiday Cards

Ok, so do you people still do this holiday card shit?

I'm a Jew, so I never *really* got into this scene to begin with. And, in truth, those cheesy family photo cards make me want to barf a little bit. And yet...and yet, there is a leetle bitty part of me that's still a little jelly of those cards and for like 11 seconds each year when I get one in the mail. And then like for one brief, shining moment I think to myself: awww, maybe we'll do one next year!

And then we never ever never ever do.

I mean, I don't know ANYONE'S phone number unless I look at my cell phone, so forget about addresses. Who has people's addresses any more??


The one place I've found where I kind of like these cards is on Minted.com. And also I guess this is mostly a ppl with kids kinda thing to do anyway.

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