Entries in catalogged (4)


[CATALOGGED] CB2's Spring 2011 Collection

CB2's Spring catalog is out and oddly enough, they're selling bikes now?

I don't quite understand, and if I were to buy a bike, it would be from a bike shop, not from a store that sells those creepy side plates with the little stick figure monsters eating things.

If you're going into a homegoods store to purchase something that requires you wear a helmet, rethink your life choices.

Regardless of this bike nonsense, they do have some nice new pieces to check out.

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[CATALOGGED] CB2's "Affordable Modern"

CB2 touts itself as "affordable modern," and I'm not really sure what that means.  Judging from the cover, it means some ugly, industrial step ladders and a tiny couple riding a motorbike? 

WTF is this?  Someone tell CB2's catalog designer not to get his inspiration from Honey, I Shrunk the Kids next time.  I thought catalog covers were supposed to draw you in, not freak you out about the prospect of tiny people running around your apartment when you're not there.

Lately, I've been bored with the selection offered up in CB2 or Crate & Barrel catalogs because they're really not introducing any new pieces.  How many times can I look at the same goddamned shower curtain, or those creepy side plates with small monsters with big teeth eating stuff?  

BUT, there are a few new things that caught my eye, so let's take a look. 

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[CATALOGGED] Restoration Hardware: The Spring Collection

Listen, I like Restoration Hardware.  Some of their stuff is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful.  But sometimes they take the distressed, restored, refurbished schtick a little too far.  Incorporate a few pieces and your place will look chic.  Buy a few too many, and your place will look like you're about to go on an expedition to determine whether the world is round.  


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[CATALOGGED] Crate & Barrel: Spring 2010

Crate and Barrel's Spring 2010 catalog just arrived and apparently, the theme of this season is ORANGE.  Orange vases, orange couches, orange pillows—orange EVERYTHING.  Listen, I like bright colors, and I like orange—it's retro and fun—but I don't want my apartment to look like I'm living inside a goddamned tangerine. 

Take note, C&B, take note.

Anyway, here are my top faves from this collection...

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